Sun Prairie Food Pantry
Union Grove Veterans Facility
VA Medical Centers in Tomah, Minneapolis, Iron Mountain, Madison and Milwaukee
Homeless Woman Veterans
Sun Prairie Sesquicentennial
Care packages for our Troops.
Copyright 2013 American Legion Post 333
Founded in 1919, the American Legion Auxiliary is the world’s largest women’s patriotic service organization. American Legion Auxiliary Unit 333, Sun Prairie, was granted its Charter from the National Organization on October 30, 1924. We are the wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, granddaughters, great-granddaughters and step relatives of our courageous veterans. Some of us are veterans ourselves. We are women who care about our community and our fellow man who continue to work for God and Country.
Our first meeting to organize an Auxiliary Unit was held on April 10, 1924. Eighteen women participated in that first meeting and elected our Charter (first) officers including:
President Lillian Lohneis
Vice President Ella Hein
Historian Margaret McGonigle
Sargent-at-Arms Martha Hein
Poppy Chairwoman Martha Hein
Our first Executive Committee included: Florence Krebbs, Mrs. Boebel, and Mrs. Tony Klubertanz.
Our unit’s mission is to support American Legion Post 333 and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for our veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.
Our Unit has achieved its own unique identity while working side-by-side with the veterans who belong to American Legion Post 333. Like the Post, our Unit's interests have broadened to encompass our entire community. We embody the spirit of America that has prevailed through war and peace. We are solidly behind America. Patriotism is a personal commitment for all our Unit’s members. We place great importance on community involvement and responsible citizenship.
Our Unit participates in programs for veterans, their families, young people and the community at large. Many of our programs have been expanded and now are commonly accepted institutions within our community and nation. So deeply ingrained are such programs as the Girls State program which the subtle guiding hand of the Auxiliary is often not recognized.
The Girls State Program is one of the most vital projects sponsored by our Unit. Each year we sponsor at least one Sun Prairie High School Junior to attend “Badger” Girls State. Girls State began in 1937 and takes place every summer for more than 25,000 high school girls in 49 states. It gives girls "hands on" experience in state government and targets young women interested in the government process and emphasizes the role of responsible citizenship in good government. As a result of their training in this valuable Auxiliary program, many young women will take responsible positions in business and government. This is just a small part of the Auxiliary's contribution to life in the community and the nation.
Our first Girl State delegate was Freida Maibaum in 1949. Over 60 Sun Prairie High School girls have attended Girls State since 1949.
Volunteers: Our Unit’s members volunteer throughout the community including the Corn Festival, Sun Prairie Food Pantry, Red Cross Blood Drives, in our schools, churches, VA Medical Centers, Guard facilities, and the Sun Prairie Volunteer Fire Department Open House to name a few.
What else does the Auxiliary do?
We provide a focal point for citizen involvement.
We raise funds to help our veterans, their families, VA medical centers and community programs including but not limited to:
We provide scholarships to Sun Prairie High School students.
We provide funeral service programs for our deceased members.
Now that you know who we are and what we represent, we invite all who are eligible to join our Unit and take part in our many programs.We meet on the 4th Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at Sun Prairie Utilities, 125 West Main Street, Sun Prairie, WI. If the 4th Monday of the month falls on a National Holiday we meet on the 4th Tuesday. There is no meeting during the month of December